Wednesday, July 8, 2015

XMPP Real-time Text in Action

XMPP Real-time Text is definitively one of the most fun XMPP extension out there, from user's point of view as well as from a developer's point of view! Recently I've added support for it in the upcoming version 0.6.0 and I thought I'd make a short video which demonstrates this cool new feature in action!

It shows how it could look like when two XMPP contacts are chatting with each other and having real-time text enabled. Enjoy!

Roughly speaking you have to create a new outbound real-time message and just update its text while typing:

// Create a chat session with another user.
Chat chat = xmppClient.getManager(ChatManager.class).createChatSession(contact);
RealTimeTextManager realTimeTextManager = xmppClient.getManager(RealTimeTextManager.class);
// Create an new RTT message.
OutboundRealTimeMessage realTimeMessage = realTimeTextManager.createRealTimeMessage(chat);
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
textArea.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {

When done typing, commit the message (which will send the current message as normal chat message):


On the receiver side, you can listen for it like this (and e.g. display it to a Label).

Label label = new Label();
// Upon receiving a RTT message, display it.
realTimeTextManager.addRealTimeMessageListener(e -> {
    InboundRealTimeMessage rtt = e.getRealTimeMessage();
    rtt.addRealTimeTextChangeListener(e1 -> Platform.runLater(() -> label.setText(e1.getText())));