I've added a visual XMPP view / debugger, which helps you debugging and understanding the XMPP traffic.
There are three tabs. The first one shows the connection and presence status.
The second tab shows the XMPP elements being exhanged between the client and the server. This is probably the most interesting tab because you exactly see what's going on.
There are also some neat gimmicks like filtering, searching and highlighting an IQ respone if you have selected an IQ request (as you can see below).
Searching and filtering:
The third tab is less interesting, it basically shows the raw traffic in two text areas one for the incoming and one for outgoing XMPP stream.
I am not sold on the API yet, but what you need to do is probably something like this:
XmppSessionConfiguration configuration = new XmppSessionConfiguration(); // Enable debugging, so that we see something. configuration.setDebugMode(true); // Set the graphical debugger configuration.setDebugger(new VisualDebugger()); // Create the session XmppSession xmppSession = new XmppSession(null, configuration, new TcpConnection("localhost", 5222));
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