Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Babbler 0.8.1 released

A new version 0.8.1 of the Java XMPP library has been released! It contains primarily bug fixes only, but also contains an important improvement of the thread usage, especially when using NIO connections.

Basically the library now shares thread pools with multiple sessions. Contrary to 0.8.0, this new feature combined with NIO now really sllows to run many simultaneous sessions. Thanks to David Bidorff for the ExecutorService implementation! But even without using NIO, the thread count should drastically decrease when using multiple sessions.

Everything else are bug fixes only and can be read here.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Babbler 0.8.0 released

After a longer period of development, Babbler 0.8.0 has just been released today.

The new major features are certainly

Further information about the release can be found in the release notes and in the changelog.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Experimenting with Entity Capabilities 2.0

Enthusiastic XMPP developers probably already know about the new XEP-0390: Entity Capabilities 2.0 specification which is intended to replace the old one, XEP-0115.

I've recently implemented it and like to share my experience with it.

One of the requirements of the spec was to have both the old and new specification in place for a certain transition period.

It was pretty clear, that we need some kind of abstraction for both specs, which led to the following interface:

public interface EntityCapabilities {

    Set<Hashed> getCapabilityHashSet();

    byte[] createVerificationString(InfoNode infoNode);

    String createCapabilityHashNode(Hashed hashed);

Both have a set of hashes (the old one only has one, which is itself), both can create a verification string from a set of features and identities and both can create a "capability hash node", each using their own algorithm.

The interface Hashed is implemented by the old Entity Caps and also by the XEP-0300 hash element. InfoNode is a disco#info query response (features, identities, extensions).

The class structure looks like this:

Processing Entity Capabilities

When processing a presence stanza or stream features with either or both old and new Entity Capabilities, the flow has become quite complex as you can see in the following flow chart. However, the good news is that it works with only the above interface. Take a look at how it's implemented right now:

Generating Entity Capabilities

The generating entity side is a bit easier:

I hope you liked this little presentation about how both XEP-0115 and XEP-0390 can be implemented behind the same interface.

Entity Capabilties 2.0 will of course be available in the next release.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Babbler 0.7.5 released

I am pleased to announce a new bugfx release 0.7.5 for the XMPP Java client library. It only contains non-security related bug fixes.

Here's what got fixed:

  • Add stream ID to ConsoleDebugger output (Issue #105).
  • Improve CustomIQ example and documentation (Issue #112).
  • PingManager: Make exception for feature-not-implemented (Issue #113).
  • Allow configuration of custom name server for DNS SRV resolution.
  • MUC service discovery should handle items with non-room JIDs (Issue #106).
  • Connecting to stream hosts should not exceed configured response timeout (Issue #111).
  • Fixed DataForm.getReportedFields() to work when null.
  • Fix NullPointerException in RPC Value class (Issue #117).
  • Fix memory leak on WebSocket connection failure (Issue #122)
  • Ensure WebSocket session is closed, if server does not respond with <close/> element.
  • Store avatar image using correct hash code.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Future<IQ> - About the New Asynchronous API in Babbler

This is a topic which is long overdue, but still pretty interesting: The new asynchronous, non-blocking API for IQ requests in Babbler (since version 0.7).

The Problem

Until the previous release, all IQ-based API was synchronous and did block until the IQ response has been received.

Lets have a look at what that means and how Last Activity (XEP-0012) of an entity was retrieved to illustrate the problem:

LastActivityManager lastActivityManager = xmppSession.getManager(LastActivityManager.class);
LastActivity lastActivity = lastActivityManager.getLastActivity(Jid.of(""));

The method getLastActivity() sends out the IQ request and then waited (blocked) a few milliseconds or even seconds for the response or until a timeout happened.

Having blocking operations is of course resource consuming because you have to dedicate a thread for it, which however is blocking most of the time while waiting on the operation to finish. It's the same issue as with blocking IO and the reason why NIO exists.

Doing multiple blocking IQ queries in parallel means, you have to create a thread for each query.

If you want to do such an IQ query from a JavaFX application you also had to write a lot of boilerplate code like this:

Task<LastActivity> task = new Task<LastActivity>() {
    protected LastActivity call() throws Exception {
        LastActivityManager lastActivityManager = xmppSession.getManager(LastActivityManager.class);
        return lastActivityManager.getLastActivity(Jid.of(""));
task.stateProperty().addListener((observableValue, state, state1) -> {
    switch (state1) {
        case SUCCEEDED:
        case FAILED:
new Thread(task).start();

You don't want to block the UI thread and therefore need to run blocking operations in a background task.

Furthermore the blocking API in Babbler was not interruptible because it didn't throw InterruptedException. Of course we could have solved the interruptible issue easily, but you still would have the drawbacks of a blocking API.

Futures to the Rescue

Instead of waiting for the response and then returning the result, all IQ-based APIs now return a java.util.concurrent.Future:

Future<LastActivity> lastActivityFuture = lastActivityManager.getLastActivity(Jid.of(""));

The method call is now asynchronous, it no longer blocks and passes control immediately back to the caller!

As with every Future, you can get the result with its get() method:

LastActivity lastActivity = lastActivityManager.getLastActivity(jid).get();

or with a timeout:

LastActivity lastActivity = lastActivityManager.getLastActivity(jid).get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

You might ask, what we've gained now, because the get() method is blocking again and usually you need the IQ result anyway.

Well, that's true. One part of the answer is that we gain interruptibility and the other part is that the returned result is not only a Future, but also a java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage (Java 8's new toy).

CompletionStage<LastActivity> lastActivityFuture = lastActivityManager.getLastActivity(Jid.of(""));

It basically allows you to react asynchronously when the result is present, i.e. when the Future is done. Some frameworks like Guava already have such a concept of a "Listenable Future", now it's part of the JDK.

Taking our JavaFX example from above, updating the UI with the result as in the above example can now become a simple one-liner:

lastActivityManager.getLastActivity(jid).thenAcceptAsync(this::updateUI, Platform::runLater);

It sends the IQ request and later when the response is received it asynchronously executes the updateUI method in the JavaFX thread.

No more blocking, no more extra threads, everything is asynchronous!

Even better:

CompletionStages can be chained together. There are use cases, which require multiple IQ queries like Service Discovery or File Transfer. They can then be composed together into one:

CompletionStage<Boolean> isSupported = xmppClient.isSupported(LastActivity.NAMESPACE, jid);
CompletionStage<LastActivity> lastActivityFuture = isSupported.thenCompose(result -> {
    if (result) {
        return lastActivityManager.getLastActivity(jid);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("XEP-0012 not supported by" + jid);

This code first checks if Last Activity is supported (using Service Discovery) and only if it is, queries the entity.

File Transfer is pretty complicated, with a lot of queries going on. This pseudo-code example illustrates the power of composing asynchronous calls (IBB fallback not shown here):

CompletionStage<ByteStreamSession> future =
initiateStream() // Initiate a file transfer stream with somebody
    .thenCompose(streamInitiation -> discoverStreamHosts() // When accepted, discover SOCKS5 stream hosts
        .thenCompose(streamHosts -> letReceiverChoseOne() // Query the receiver and let him choose a stream host
            .thenCompose(streamHostUsed -> activateStreamHost() // When receiver responds with the chosen stream host, activate it 
                .thenApply(result -> createByteStreamSession())))); // After activation, create a stream session.

For convenience there's also a class AsyncResult, which implements both interfaces.

I think asynchronous programming is the future :-) and this is a first, but huge step in the right direction.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Babbler Version 0.7.4 released

Version 0.7.4 of the Java XMPP library has been released to Maven Central!

It turned out there was a rare deadlock, when using Stream Management. It happened only rarely and was hard to spot, but when it did, it was of course a blocker.

Here's the full changelog:

  • Resolve rare deadlock when using Stream Management
  • Rework how WebSocket connections are closed
  • Don’t let a stream error close the stream immediately, but instead wait for the closing stream element and then close the connection.
  • Increase performance of IBB stream
  • Prevent rare, but possible NullPointerException after sending stanzas.
  • Fix error when using pages (XEP-0141) within data forms (XEP-0004)
  • Reset nick to null, if entering a chat room fails

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Babbler Version 0.7.3 released

I've released version 0.7.3 of the Java XMPP library. This is primarily a "bug fix and improvements" release and is compatible with previous 0.7.x releases. Here's the changelog:
  • Use single equals sign (“=”) for zero-length data in SASL, as per RFC 6120 § 6.4.2
  • Allow configuring a custom stream host and skip proxy discovery then for SI file transfer.
  • Implement WebSocket pings/pongs.
  • Fix WebSocket’s proxy URI construction.
  • Use connect timeout for WebSocket connections.
  • XEP-0198: Send an ack right before gracefully closing the stream (i.e. update to version 1.5.2).
  • MUC Room “enter” events should fire for oneself entering the room as well.
  • Use java.text.Collator for String-based default comparison.
  • XEP-0066: Use URI instead of URL.
  • Fix XMPP Ping in External Components, which broke the connection.
  • Jid.asBareJid returns this if it is already bare, reducing GC pressure.
  • connect() method should not throw CancellationException
  • Check if the connection has been secured (if configured) before starting to authenticate.

Maven coordinates
